Purpose of This Document The Scouting uniform is one of the most recognizable elements of the Boy Scouts of America  brand. Timeless, classic ... and uniform.  From Dallas to Des Moines, Scouts across America wear the same tan twill shirt, the same badges of rank, and the same style of neckerchief. Their troop and council badges may differ, but the  visual language is the same. This uniformity creates familiarity, and with it, admiration.
In that same spirit, we present to the world a unified look and feel in our brand “uniform.”  If we follow these guidelines, parents whose Scouts pick up a flier or visit one of our websites will know they can trust it when they see its distinctive color palette. Scouts will know exactly which  button to press when they want to share a photo with a fellow Scout. Donors will see their money spent efficiently, and without waste.
Welcome to your WWF brand book
Inside you’ll find a practical guide to how  our brand inspires what we do, informs  what we say and shapes how we say it. By  communicating our key messages clearly  and consistently we can connect with a  global audience and motivate more people  to get involved in our conservation mission.
r brand is about so much more than our  panda logo. It’s our DNA.  It’s what makes us who we are. And it’s there in everything that we  do, from the way we decide on local policy to how we communicate  Global Initiatives. It brings coherence and clarity to our work.  The WWF brand DNA is made up of four elements:
What we want to be known for: The organization  that works to stop the degradation of our planet’s natural  environment, and build a future in which humans live in  harmony with nature.  What makes us unique: We lead the way, connect people,   see the bigger picture and seek solutions – see page 22.  Our values: We’re knowledgeable, optimistic,  determined and engaging – see page 32.  Our guiding principles: These are about how we work   – see page 34.
Every single person working for WWF is responsible for bringing the brand to life, and by incorporating these elements in your work, you can do so. Together, by making the brand DNA integral to all that we do, we’re all responsible for making WWF stronger.  
Known and respected across the world, our brand  opens doors and inspires people. It makes people  want to work with us.
What we say and how we say it motivates   our vast global audience. We need to keep our  brand strong and consistent so we can continue   to spread our message and make a difference.
What makes us unique 
There i’s no other organization like WWF.  These are the unique characteristics that  set us apart...
Connecting We’re a global organization: we operate across borders,  environments and cultures to forge partnerships and engage  individuals, communities, NGOs, corporations and governments.
Solutions focused We don’t just identify problems: we use our unparalleled  experience, our partnerships and our scientific grounding to find  solutions, focusing on achievable targets, policies and results.
Interlinked approach We see the bigger picture: we don’t look 䬀卙䏚攀甀愀at environmental issues  in isolation, 䬀卙䏚攀甀愀but address their social, economic and political  causes and effects.
Leading We’re the world’s largest membership network and have been  at the forefront of conservation for half 䬀卙䏚攀甀愀a century: we’ve helped  bring about historic agreements and inspired millions to  take action.
How as work..
Solution focused  
Our guiding principles Our guiding principles set a global  standard for the way we carry out   our work. We will:
Be global, independent, multicultural and non-party political.
Use the best available scientific information to address issues  and critically evaluate all of our endeavours.
Seek dialogue and avoid unnecessary confrontation.
Build effective conservation solutions through a combination  of field-based projects, policy initiatives, capacity building and  education work.
Involve local communities and indigenous peoples in the  planning and execution of our field programmes, respecting  their cultural as well as economic needs.
Strive to build partnerships with other organizations,  governments, businesses and local communities to enhance  our effectiveness.
Run our operations in a cost-effective manner and apply donors’  funds according to the highest standards of accountability.

What to avoid..

Our Brand Tone Above all, we want our brand to be inspirational. Whether we’re talking to  our biggest donors or a ten-year-old campaigner, our goal is that every  interaction with charity: water feels exciting and filled with possibility.  We also want our brand to feel clear, in both message and design. We  believe in transparency, and that applies to more than financials. It means  we work hard to make sure language is understandable and visuals feel  spacious. We love simplicity.

Writing tips and tricks.

Do we use words like “totally” and “super”?  Absolutely. Do we like exclamation marks and  short, personal emails? Yes. Do we refer to  our campaigners as “Bro” or drop an LOL at  the end of a sentence? No. We’re a pretty chill  organization, but a smart, professional one.
2. Be accurate.  Being casual doesn’t mean we’re careless.  We proofread everything. Check stats. Then  check them again. We’re a recognized  authority on the water crisis, so especially  when talking about the water crisis, or finances,  or our programs, or reporting, triple check  everything.
3. Be friendly.  We generally treat everyone like friends.  Anytime you write something, think: “How  would I phrase this if this were going to my  best friend?” We love it when communications  feel personal and real (while still being clear  that we’re a reputable organization).  4. Be positive.  The water crisis is tragic. Talking about it can  really put a damper on things. But we never  want our supporters or audience to feel  unhappy after interacting with us, so we always  try to end communications on a positive note.  While being honest about harsh realities, we  also talk about what we can do to change  things and how much better life is once people  get clean water.
5. Be inspirational.  We ask a lot of our supporters. So whenever  possible, try to inspire people. Think about  how you’d describe what we do to your mom  or dad—then write that down. Our goal is that  every little interaction with charity: water will  make people feel happy and hopeful.
Be clear.  Transparency is a big part of our brand. Of  course, it refers to our reporting and our  promise to prove every project we build. But  it’s bigger than that, too. Always make your  language simple and easy to understand.  Never send people somewhere else for  information when you can just give it to them.  Don’t complicate things unnecessarily. Just be  as clear as possible.
7. Be brief.  People are busy. Respect their time. Say what  you need to say, then stop writing. A great  resource on brevity can be found here—it  provides ideal lengths for just about anything  you’ll ever write: Tweets, emails, subject lines,  blog posts, etc.

Our Approach to  Brand Partnerships 
charity: water seeks to craft holistic, multi-year partnerships  with companies that have an established brand and a strong  commitment to our mission and 100% model. We partner with  brands that value excellence, operate with integrity, share our  passion, and push the boundaries of innovation so, together,  we can fuel good, inspire generosity, and create a community  of compassionate world-changers.



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